Education is like having a cook book or database of recipes. Lived experience is like having baked & eaten the cake. Information + Experience = Win. You want both an educated professional & someone who gets your kind of life experiences.
Unfortunately, when we have a complex history, we didn’t learn boundaries or how to connect to our personal power. Instead we were taught to disconnect, live in survival & make decisions out of fear.
This primary trauma & related conditioning sets us up for secondary adult trauma. Childhood Trauma + Adult Trauma = CPTSD. After working so hard to heal my primary trauma, it was my adult secondary trauma, that ignited my own quest to heal Complex PTSD (CPTSD)
Addiction & Narcissistic related coping behaviors were present in my family. Generations of wounds & transferred shame cut deep.
I know your wounding from your family of origin + lineage wounds is a LOT to hold. You know now they were traumatized, but as children you couldn’t choose between attachment & authenticity. It’s your time now. Honoring the gifts from your lineage & transforming the pain is a sacred call to cycle breakers like us.
I decided if I was handed lemons, I better make lemonade. I went to school for psychology & social work.
As a social worker I know that you have been impacted, positively & negatively, by your environment & experience. Much of what happened to you wasn’t your fault. Some of it may have been. The good news is you can begin again. It’s not too late for you.
At 40, I moved to Arkansas & 3 years later divorced my husband of 20+ years. I discovered quickly how difficult dating can be after being married for so long & how drastic that change in lifestyle can be.
After dating someone who was a narcissist, I started recognizing other negative relationships in my life & how they had influenced my perceptions & responses in relationships.
When businesses don’t have good leadership, policies, or culture it sets the stage for abuse of power & hostile work environments.
I have experienced that in spades - harassment, discrimination, retaliation, & the bystander effect. The actions & inactions of those in power cost us personally, our clients, & the system. There is a better way.
CPTSD is not in the diagnostic manual & it’s not covered by insurance. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of people that have a complex trauma history & have no idea.
Labels help identify a problem & direct focus to a resolution. Without a label to identify with you may feel lost, broken, or even damaged.
Moreover, Renee’s clients benefit from her unquenchable spirit for learning; their care and coaching is based upon the most current therapeutic models and evidence-based best practices.
Knowing Renee will provide you the positive reset you seek and definitely deserve.”
- Colleague
The beliefs I hold dearest...
Repeated secondary adult trauma (in love & at work) forced a next layer of trauma healing & recovery for me. Healing is possible.
There was so much wreckage to heal from (childhood & adult trauma) & moving forward I needed to pick which “hard” I was going to do. There were going to be costs no matter what; but I chose long term freedom & integrity despite the short term & long-term costs
I’ve learned that what you avoid, deny, disown, turn away from, reject, mask or attack takes you further from your truth & power & at significant cost.
Our stories & experiences matter. The path to healing & wholeness is SACRED. Our families, communities, & systems need CYCLE BREAKERS to invite & initiate change. Support & community is essential.
You are open minded, accountable & a high achiever
You see past the status quo/feel different
You are called to do something greater
You’re ready to invest in your self-growth
You understand at the end of the day, you are responsible for your life
You need less conflict in your life
You are committed to your recovery/healing/growth journey & understand it’s ongoing
You are ready to get to the root vs. focus on the symptom
We'll Get Along Wonderully If....