Healing is a journey of Awakening, Unwinding conditioning, Releasing, & Reclaiming who you are at your core.
My specialty was forged by my own experience of childhood & adult trauma. I always felt different from others, but I learned early to “mask,” fawn, & people please. I sought CPTSD recovery in my 40s when I could no longer absorb any more hurt or harm.
At 50, I was assessed for AUDHD. I realized I was more than a “highly sensitive person" & I was in autistic burnout thanks to chronic trauma, Long Covid, & Menopause. Performing “normal” & pushing through in survival mode resulted in reduced energy capacity, reduced ability to “mask,” & increased sensory sensitivities. Assessment brought “grief & relief” & a search for living my most aligned life.
Living through the lens of Survival (please, perform, produce, perfect) & it’s no longer working
You’re not sure what you like, what you want, or don’t know what to do
Feeling lost, invisible & burdened
You’re often "'in your head" not connected to feelings, body, or sensations
Unmet needs, unhealed wounds, thwarted dreams, & loads of fear or anxiety
What you may be experiencing...
Didn’t get the movement you wanted & needed
Had to take a break
Wanted a fresh perspective & are ready to restart
Feel like you “did work already” but aren’t reaping the rewards
You still feel inner conflict, confusion, complexity, overwhelm, pressure
Feel stuck no matter how you try to “figure IT out” or “fix IT”
Maybe you tried traditional talk therapy but...
As a therapist turned coach who has worked in the healing arts for 20+ years & significantly invested in extensive trainings & experiences to heal myself, I know it’s taken a lot for you to arrive here too.
You have what you need inside. It’s just covered up. We’ll find it together. You haven’t had enough choice or permission to be you.
Our work together is consent- based, focused but without pressure, & relational (no blank slate therapist there) with
full permission for all of you to be allowed & expressed.
You deserve support that is practical & also unique & multifaceted, just like you!
You have what you need inside. It's just covered up.
Own your survivor story. Don’t stay stuck in the victim story. Move to post-traumatic growth.
Are you ready to remember who you are underneath your trauma & conditioning? Having a cohesive narrative & words to describe your challenges is helpful for early to middle recovery. Symptom relief or resolution & post traumatic growth unfold as you persist through the middle & late phases.
Connecting to the body, emotional states, unconscious wounds & wise knowing allows healing & wisdom to unfold naturally.
As a Certified Psychedelic Assisted Therapist, I can assist with intention setting & integration. Plant medicine can be a potent bridge to healing & reconnection.
Bilateral stimulation via eye movement, tappers, or self-tapping helps to reprocess traumatic memories that are “stuck.”
Each human has a nervous system. Understanding your survival responses & expanding your capacity/window of stress tolerance is key to recovery work. Inflammation, autoimmune, hormone disruption, & burnout symptoms are common when the nervous system is overloaded for too long.
Internal Family Systems - A way of connecting inside with parts of you that hurt or struggle. Unburdening these parts facilitates more space for recovery.
Connecting to something bigger outside of you or a greater consciousness is part process of recovery, healing, & reinstating trust.
Reclaiming your Self is a process of identifying your gifts, strengths, growth areas, & more. Human Design, the Gene Keys, Enneagram, & other resources can help you explore & discover your Unique Design.
Healing is an inner attachment repair process that carries over into our interpersonal relationships.
This is more than "Talk Therapy"
Untangling the knot of trauma, conditioning, & adaptive coping requires multidimensional support. Talk therapy just won’t cut it. I believe in an Integrative & Wholistic approach to healing, and providing you resources for your mind, heart, body, & spirit to come back to Wholeness.
Embraces the fact that there is diversity in human neurology, in ways of thinking, moving, feeling, & being. One neurology isn’t right or wrong. Honoring strengths & accommodating support needs is essential.
The body keeps the score. It also provides a pathway to healing & restoration in a “bottom up” way. Taking care of the physical body is often part of the recovery process.
Cycle breaking requires more than parts work. Frequencies of fear, shadowy survival codes, & inheritances of hurt from ancestors can overwhelm your system. Travel across time & space for generational healing. Take your recovery from good to great.
Identify how & where you absorb & amplify energy. Learn to steward energy for embodied healing. Navigating your drive/desire with energy/capacity is a challenge at various stages of recovery.
Nature is a powerful resource. Air, water, earth, & fire are resources for alchemizing pain & effortless resourcing.
You juggle healing yourself while dealing with the outcomes of decisions you made in survival mode. You are giving what you didn’t receive to your aging parents & to your children. You are committed to breaking the cycle of generational trauma, but you are ready for emotional support & practical tools to guide you on your healing journey.
You are the One to break the cycle & model the New Way.
You’ve felt “different” most of your life. People really like it when you perform well & push through. As life’s demands increase you find it more challenging to keep up & cope. Your mask cracks or falls off.
You may be in burnout. You may be experiencing heightened or new symptoms. You may already have a diagnosis, or you may be thinking about it or have self- identified.
Either way you have reached a new chapter in your life & need to RESET for your mental & physical health & wellbeing. It's time to uncover your own Medicine & find your Magic again.
You do not have to wonder if Renee “gets it.” Her hard-earned wisdom came from a “trifecta” of experiences in family, “partnerships,” & at work.
Your pain is Pure Gold once alchemized.
I love walking alongside people’s journey – witnessing & supporting them through each chapter of their journey – seeing the fruits of their labor harvested, both of us appreciating the time, money, & energy they invested to get themselves to the next level. For people that have experienced trauma, that is justice & redemption – a reclamation, reparation, renewal.
- Renee
30 Minute Session
45 Minute Session
60 Minute Session
75 Minute Session
90 Minute Session
pricing per month
Join the Reset Collective
We bring together late diagnosed neurocomplex trauma survivors who dig deep to explore innovative coping strategies, so that we can empower ourselves with resilience and thrive beyond our challenges.