Jason Mark Glasson & Renee Fleming (RESET WITH RENEE)
In Episode Six of the Reset With Renee Podcast, Renee speaks with Jason Mark Glasson about how he learned to live from his heart & how he brings his learning & experience to helping others. Jason learned through his 10+ years as a monk, his work in Quantum Touch, & in his coursework with Chris Duncan & William Whitecloud.
Jason learned that when you numb difficult emotions, you also numb joy. He found the key is to hold life as precious instead of holding onto life in a tight way… as if it is fragile.
Jason talked about having high levels of self-loathing. When the mind goes into a shame spiral you can spiral down to a point of feeling not deserving to live. Jason shared he too once felt like a “twisted, failed example of a human being”.
However, the teachings of the Buddha helped Jason to find love. There are 4 states of mind: loving kindness/friendliness, compassion, appreciative joy, & equanimity. Love has no boundary, not through time & space. We are capable of limitless, unconditional love. This is a counterweight to the self-hatred & self-loathing. Jason says, “We learn we are our heart, not our mind! If you believe the products of your own mind, you’ll be sucked down.”
Jason says, “We lose the way to our heart everyday & we have to re-find it and the way is through the present moment and you can’t do that unless you are IN your body.Your pain is deeper than you want to know. Your love is deeper that you can know. Love is deeper than the horror of the world. And the longest journey you’ll ever make is from the head to the heart.”
Jason on trauma in the body: “It can be scary & make coming into the body scary. There is a tendency to numb out. Co-regulation helps develop self-capacity. We need more experiences of that, where you can be (safely) received. Your body wants to let it go, the challenging states of traumatic energy. The energy wants to move. You have the capacity to experience what you need to, to let go of what you need, & to connect to your higher truth/higher self/all of life. You can become resourced in your capacity to feel safe.
Love is a higher vibration. Holding that for others allows them to raise their vibration through their own inner intelligence/divine source. It happens energetically & in the nervous system. In co-regulation, their nervous system is teaching your nervous system; learning how to unwind the tension & to come to a place of love & stillness. Being resourced is being able to relax into someone else’s presence.
On his personal journey Jason says, “I spent a long time just trying to fly”. Tried to fix self, to fix what was wrong, to make it better. And then helping others brings a whole another level of anxiety.
Jason says, “The journey is we come into this world as a pure creative spirit, connected to all time & space with everything, divine. The human experience is differentiated & it starts with being a small, separate being. You’re going to end up getting a (little) wounded. We don’t get all the love & validation we needed from our caregivers.” And this creates wounds. Wounds have many flavors: I’m not good, worthy, loveable, enough. Little beings believe that if I’m not getting the love, it must be about me; there must be something wrong with me.
We know that these beliefs will be the lens through which a young person sees themselves, others, & the world. Believing there is something wrong with you will run your life until you wake up to the truth which is living in your heart. Coming back to your heart is a RESET & an ongoing process. Our capacity for creation is through our higher self which can never be broken, turned off, or damaged.
Jason spoke of psychologist, Lisa Miller, who does research on the inborn spirituality of the human being. The message that we are born connected to the transcendent is now measurable & observable in our biology. Jason says, “Furthermore, connection with the transcendent is the single most protective factor against depression, anxiety, substance abuse, & all the traps we fall into. It validated the truth of my journey; the human journey is to return to love. When we step into our hearts, we develop the capacity to create what we truly love, that is our purpose. A powerful creator is not always in their heart; but they wake up quickly when they fall asleep.”
There are layers of connection to the transcendent. The archetypal language of what is below our conscious awareness is symbolic. Symbolism is another layer of communication.
Jason likes to work with male “soul brothers”. He says, “We are meant for more. Step into your larger life through becoming connected to each other & your truth/heart. It is a man that is deeply out of touch with his own power whose threatened by the power of another, be that another powerful man or a powerful woman. The more that we can support each other, empower each other, the more the world can flourish.
Most of our ancestors didn’t get a chance to live a fully expressed life & you can live a fully expressed life. Step outside your ego & come back to your heart, your truth. That’s everything you have been seeking.” Jason says we need to move from an ego orientation to a creative orientation. Ego orientation = problem orientation. Creative orientation = what would you truly love. Orient & hold that. Then see how it is for you (the uncomfortable truth of your choices) versus what you would truly love. When you focus & choose what you truly love it invites resistance. Jason says neutralize the resistance by resolving that state of tension.
Jason says the ego blocks the path, “Your truth lives outside of the “show” & to be as the child is the way to live. See life through the eyes of the child with wonder & awe…. if you step into that place everything changes. How you think it needs to be is NOT reality. Reality = truth. You already know IT, but you edit IT!”
Jason shared the story of Siri Lindley who knew being a world champion was her truth. “If you look at what you want through the lens of where you are you will distort your life for the rest of your life. Do not look at what you want through the lens of where you are. It’s a distortion.It’s not personal; it’s structural. Neutralize all resistance to taking the action that moves your forward effectively. Do that & your life changes. Success is about going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
Resistance comes from our ego & is predictable. The key is to let your identity to change; it holds you stuck. Allow your identity to change & everything changes. The space in between is creative tension. That tension is the engine that drives you to where you want to be. It’s the path of least resistance. Allow your current reality to move towards your desired reality. The disparity HAS TO BE to move you. Stay with the tension; hang with the tension.
Currently, Jason works with men who feel a connection to their soul, know they are meant for more, yet find themselves not living a life they truly love. Jason guides them to align head and heart, connect to the wisdom of their higher self and give their gifts to the world.
To download your free copy of Jason’s eBook: “Living Life from Love: Authentically Living Your Heart’s Truth” (normally $4.99 on Amazon) or to connect with Jason, please visit https://acceptyoureamazing.com.
Renee is in synch with Jason’s wisdom. A RESET is often an unearthing of your true self while removing conditioning & wounding.
Thank you for reading! For more, listen to the podcast episode & you will discover:
Christopher Duncan: https://christophermduncan.com/?utm_source=google_ads&utm_campaign=&utm_te1rm=william%20whitecloud&utm_medium=&utm_network=g&utm_content=&gc_id=14731588740&gclid=CjwKCAiA68ebBhB-EiwALVC-NpTc1Cq7qf3UFxxBNSZtpvXKaocK06lUs9JAMAbCetmZk4VyOW31yhoCds4QAvD_BwE
“The Spiritual Child, The New Science on Parenting for Health & Lifelong Learning” https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00OFL6PE0&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_Z5WJXWYA571MQE3V7NXS