You were born with your own unique essence. Unfortunately, trauma may have covered your access to it. Your ancestors had their own spiritual practices, many of which have been forgotten. One of the gifts of CPTSD recovery is reclaiming your essence, often referred to as your “Self” in the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, and deepening your connection to a larger consciousness.
Trauma leads to disconnection. You may find it challenging to stay present, trust your own truth, or recognize your human rights and the support available to you. This disconnection can breed distrust towards others, the world, and even the benevolence of the Universe. Trauma embeds distorted beliefs that color your experiences. Recovery is purifying these distortions while reclaiming & radiating your essence.
Through the lens of IFS, we seek to re-establish & expand your connection to your Self (or Essence) and the Source (or Greater Consciousness) of all that is. Different languages and frameworks across time have been used to describe this internal and external frequency. I encourage you to find & use the terms that resonate with you. For our purposes, I will use IFS terminology to discuss these concepts here.
Here are some truths I learned on my own recovery journey:
Each of us is born with unique gifts & abilities. Unfortunately, these gifts may not have been honored or nurtured. They may have been criticized, shamed, mocked, discouraged or shamed.
We each have a connection with the spiritual world, but it may be covered or distorted by our conditioning & socialization.
Developmental trauma can erode innocence, play, wonder, & awe. These characteristics are essential for life force energy & vitality.
Participation in organized religion can be a valuable resource or a source of additional trauma. If traditional religious structures do not align with you, seeking alternative spaces for connection can be helpful.
A Mother or Father wound (very common in CPTSD survivors) can make you question your lovability, worthiness & belonging. Connecting to the frequencies & concepts of Great Mother, Mother Earth, Father Sky, & other frequencies or resonances can bridge your need for nurturance & support when Self Energy is compromised.
Just as the ocean holds infinite drops of water, we too are all drops within the larger consciousness of all that is, was, or will be.
We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Our 3D senses limit our ability to hold a greater truth. There is so much more happening. However, tapping into this truth can be challenging in our busy, Western lives—especially when we are living in survival mode.
Engaging with books, podcasts, and courses has expanded my perspective in my mind & heart. Having experiences that allowed me to feel & sense something special has strengthened my connection to the Source, or Greater Consciousness.
Personally, psychedelics, natural medicine, and guided journeys have strengthened my faith, trust, and hope. They also help alleviate the dark energy of traumatic wounding.
Read more about Finding Alternative Medicines for CPTSD Healing
CPTSD survivors often struggle with wounds of abandonment, so coming home to yourself is a vital part of the recovery journey. Connecting your mind, body, heart, and SPIRIT is essential for restoring wholeness. Tapping into something greater than yourself, with a sense of awe for all that is, can foster hope and create space for new possibilities. Rediscovering your gifts, understanding your shadow, and finding places of connection can reinforce your sense of belonging, both to yourself and to the Universe. You are here for a reason!
Building your connection to your Self and the Universe can aid your recovery. This helps you face the darker energies associated with CPTSD recovery.
As you progress on your recovery journey, you’ll learn how to amplify the “8 Cs of Self Energy”—calm, compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, confidence, courage, and connectedness. This internal healing is powerful, as you are able to more fully meet and understand all the parts of You.
Yet, it’s not always “sunshine, rainbows, & butterflies”. A spiritual reawakening often travels with a “dark night of the soul”. This period may force you to confront truths you’ve been avoiding. When you can face these truths without losing your sense of self, you can rise in recovery.
Accessing and embracing the light (Self and Source energy) and the truth of the dark is a major milestone in CPTSD recovery. Once achieved, you can move beyond surviving & coping.
When your Self Energy feels low, or when the recovery work becomes dark or heavy, bridging to Source energy can help you stay grounded. Engaging in practices or rituals of connection can stabilize you and offer a pathway for stewarding the Big Energy of CPTSD recovery. Discovering these practices is part of crafting your own medicine.
If this has resonated with you, consider purchasing my Master Class: “Discover You” to learn more about YOU, or joining my Discovering Your Gifts Workshop. If you prefer 1-1 support, Schedule a coaching call with me if you’re ready to come home to you & find your connection to Spirit.